Hometown Bicycles GoFundMe button - Customer, Company, Community, Industry

Dear Hometown Family,

We are overwhelmed. Humbled.

Your response to our recent shutdown, and subsequent GoFundMe campaign launch, is completely blowing us away.

We’ve also been awash in calls, texts, emails, and Facebook messages – customers offering love, wisdom, resources, and manpower to see that we get through this together. We can’t thank you enough for your help in ensuring Hometown’s survival.

Among the communications have been some great questions that we would love to answer for all of our amazing supporters:

Q: Are you aware of the small business grant and loan programs being offered?

A: We are, and are already applying!

But, understand that there is a virtual flood of businesses doing the same, and many require far more capital than ourselves. And when it comes to economic value to our State and Country, we understand that our bicycle shop can’t hold a candle to a critical parts manufacturer for the auto industry.

We can’t afford the risk of putting all our eggs in one basket… especially when every impacted business owner in America is using the very same basket.

Hometown has always been about community, people, relationships. It isn’t business lenders and government entities that adorn our VIP wall. YOU are the ones who helped us grow into the shop we are today. This business model has carried us successfully through the good AND the bad. It’s more important now than ever that we stay true to who we are.

At the end of the day, we have far greater faith in our customers. The government sees us as an EIN and a tax payment, but Hometownies see the value that we add to their life and our community.

Q: Why did you reduce your goal amount from $350,000 to $228,000?

A: These last few days have been an absolute whirlwind – planning, researching, analyzing, making the necessary arrangements to shut down our company until an end date that’s a moving target. It’s been stressful, and decisions had to be made quickly.

But things are looking up! Now that we’ve had those extra few days to dive further into necessary next steps, legislation changes are opening up more grant and loan options for micro businesses like ours. We’ve communicated with vendors, and arranged extended terms to buy ourselves critical time. And we’ve microscopically analyzed our business to see how we can operate on a much leaner level – to really stretch every penny.

With all of these new considerations, we feel confident in reducing our ask. For those of you who have already contributed, know that your dollars are now making that much more of an impact toward Hometown’s chance for success – thank you!

Q: Can I support you through purchasing Gift Certificates or pre-purchasing products?

A: We did consider this option. However, we came to the realization that, because the funds we are seeking are going toward operating expenses, not inventory, thousands of dollars in Gift Certificates and pre-purchased product could actually put our business in danger upon reopening. After the dust settles, there may not be enough surplus left to fulfill the obligation of these certificates and pre-purchases. This would be a true disservice to our customers.

So, while we love your generosity and ingenuity, might we instead suggest the option below…?  

Q: Can I still purchase bicycle product from you during this shutdown?

A: You bet! We’ve connected with our primary parts and accessories supplier, and are currently working on a retail-to-home option. Please stay tuned for the details! 

Q: So, what do I do if I need an emergency repair during this shutdown?

A: Reach out to us on Facebook. We might have the resources you need, or be able to make recommendations that can keep you safe, and keep you riding. 

Also, we’ve created a Tube Table outside our shop’s front door – free inner tubes and a bike pump for emergency use. Share the love!

Q:  How can I help??

A:  If you believe in Hometown, what we do, and why we do it… go ride your bike, stay safe, stay healthy, stay connected, and… 

Please give what you can and share our GoFundMe with your family, friends, neighbors, and community!

Team Hometown Bicycles shop ride

Stay active. Stay strong. Stay pedaling, Hometownies.

With continuing love and gratitude,

Shaun, Dawn & Your Hometown Crew

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